Sunday, 8 May 2011

Hummingbird: Messenger Of Joy

'Hummingbird's physical lightness serves as a powerful reminder for us to lighten up. When we are heavily burdened with worries and fears our spirits cannot soar. Hummingbird deepens this message with its rainbow-iridescent feathers which have caused some species to be named after precious stones (such as the ruby-throated species).
The hummingbird is unique in that it can fly not only forward, but backward and sideways. It also has an unusual hovering pattern, and can move its wings in a figure eight pattern -- a symbol for infinity.
This flying pattern also has meaning for us. So often, we find ourselves stuck in time: lost in regret about or longing for the past, or hoping (often without much true hope) that the future will be better, hanging our dreams on a distant cloud.
Hummingbird shows us how to re-visit the past for the purpose of releasing it instead of being caught in a permanently backward flight pattern. It also helps us to see that if we step aside we may see our life differently.
Hummingbird teaches us to transcend time, to recognize that what has happened in the past and what might happen in the future is not nearly as important as what we are experiencing now. It teaches us to hover in the moment, to appreciate its sweetness.'
If Hummingbird shows up, it means:
Put more emotional sweetness in your life-you need it.
Openly express the love you have and feel for those important people in your life.
You're going through some very heart-opening kinds of experiences, and you'll quite naturally draw more and more love into your life.

Call on Hummingbird when:
You're feeling down and sullen and want to lighten up, have more fun, and experience more joy.
You find yourself around any negativity or harshness and want to protect yourself and lift your spirits.
You're feeling fragmented and distracted, ruminating about the past or future, and want to be more present in the moment.
You're feeling guilt or shame about some perceived transgression in the past and want to clear yourself of these feelings.

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